Profile Artis Indonesia Laudy Chintya Bella (Bella)
Laudya Chintya Bella Profile :
Full Name: Laudya Chintya Bella
Nick Name: Bella
Place, Date of Birth: Jakarta, February 24, 1988
Zodiac: Pisces
Hobbies: Daydreaming, Hanging, Watch,
Favorite Book: Harry potter, lord of the ring
Favorite movies: Not Ordinary Stars, all the movies I like.
Favorite TV Show: Supersoulmate, Ceriwis, PrimeTime, Love Interest
Achievement / Awards
* Winner of Favorite Princess Java 2003
* My friends 2 Model 2002 Champion
* Princess Bobo 1997 Finalists
* 1st Place 2001 Golden Princess Tiara
* FFI 2005 Best Actress Nomination
* Actress Praised Bandung Film Festival (FFB) 2005
* Star Shine MTV Movie Award 2005
Laudya Chintya Bella Pictures Collections :
Full Name: Laudya Chintya Bella
Nick Name: Bella
Place, Date of Birth: Jakarta, February 24, 1988
Zodiac: Pisces
Hobbies: Daydreaming, Hanging, Watch,
Favorite Book: Harry potter, lord of the ring
Favorite movies: Not Ordinary Stars, all the movies I like.
Favorite TV Show: Supersoulmate, Ceriwis, PrimeTime, Love Interest
Achievement / Awards
* Winner of Favorite Princess Java 2003
* My friends 2 Model 2002 Champion
* Princess Bobo 1997 Finalists
* 1st Place 2001 Golden Princess Tiara
* FFI 2005 Best Actress Nomination
* Actress Praised Bandung Film Festival (FFB) 2005
* Star Shine MTV Movie Award 2005
Laudya Chintya Bella Pictures Collections :