Rating: 4.5 Most Powerful Celebrities of 2013 | Free Desktop Wallpaper Download & HD Wallpaper Download Hot and celebrities HD photos

Most Powerful Celebrities of 2013

Forbes has just released its annual list of the world’s most powerful celebrities of 2013, which is based off how much money they make, TV/Radio rank, how much press they get, how marketable they are and where they stand socially. The Top 10 list according to Forbes are:

 Pay - $56 Million 
Money Rank  28 
TV/Radio Rank  31 
Press Rank  46 
Marketability Rank  19 
Social Rank  9

Pay - $58 Million
Million Money Rank  27 
TV/Radio Rank  4 
Press Rank  4 
Marketability Rank  96 
Social Rank  1

8. Roger Federer

  Pay - $71 Million 
Money Rank  17 
TV/Radio Rank  45 
Press Rank  7 
Marketability Rank  41 
Social Rank  33

7. Bon Jovi

Pay - $79 Million
Million Money Rank  11 
TV/Radio Rank  35
Press Rank  47 
Marketability Rank  25 
Social Rank  17
6. Taylor Swift
Pay - $55 Million 
Money Rank  29 
TV/Radio Rank  9 
Press Rank  11 
Marketability Rank  41 
Social Rank  7
5. Madonna
Pay - $125 Million 
Money Rank  1 
TV/Radio Rank  13 
Press Rank  25 
Marketability Rank  73 
Social Rank  22
4. Beyonce knowles
 Pay - $53 Million 
Money Rank  33 
TV/Radio Rank  1 
Press Rank  5 
Marketability Rank  25 
Social Rank  5

3. Steven Spielberg

Pay - $100 Million 
Money Rank  2 
TV/Radio Rank  12 
Press Rank  6 
Marketability Rank  4 
Social Rank  89

2. Lady Gaga
 Pay - $80 Million 
Money Rank  9 
TV/Radio Rank  7 
Press Rank  2 
Marketability Rank  65 
Social Rank  3
1. Oprah Winfrey
Pay - $77 Million
Money Rank  14
TV/Radio Rank  2
Press Rank  10
Marketability Rank  25
Social Rank  19
Source - Link

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