Foto Artis Seksi Aura Kasih 'Blue Perfect'
Aura Come Back With Music Disco 80s
Long time not seen on stage entertainment, apparently Aura Kasih got busy while preparing a new album and new single. Busy with what the hell is this beautiful?
"Cultivate a hobby first, the family closer together as well and as for the single," Aura Kasihsaid when met at the Hard Rock Cafe, Plaza EX. When questioned further about this hobby,Aura Kasih also stated that she was fond of photography wrestle. What is the reason?
"Feel very satisfied when we got to use our own photos I think wow cool," explains the singer also admitted that she had greatly missed by these activities on stage.
So, what about the concept of singles and albums that are being prepared? About 'come back' her into the world of music, the Aura Kasih also explained that his album will be smelling the music of the '80s and disco. Aura Kasih was handed everything on a society that will enjoy her appearance later.
"If public opinion about me, I can only try, if ya dont like what people's rights," said the girl had reportedly is close to Ariel. In addition to disco music, of course, Aura Kasih will still be presenting the typical appearance of her sexy, but not limited to sections that exceed the limit deviant norms and decency.
Aura Kasih latest album later, which is in the process of mastering and manufacturing of video clips, promised to be more mature. "Must be mature with age I've grown up, which definitely is not no sad song because I do not like sad songs," says Aura Kasih, who also pleaded not like sad songs because it prefers to entertain yourself and have fun when she was sad.